Well this year has certainly been extremely busy and exciting for us so far. The year began well with Flyingconi winning twice at Flemington in January which was a great thrill for everyone involved. In February Miranda and I were delighted when our first daughter "Indiana Lilly" was born and our two boys Blake and Riley are both over the moon at having a little sister. Hopefully they feel the same way as she gets older and starts pinching their toys! As if this wasn't already a busy enough time but we had sales to attend at Oaklands Junction where we purchased 4 lots, all very well priced. I must say that we have had an outstanding response in reagrds to these yearlings and as you can see on our website all but one of the yearlings have been filled. I'd like to welcome all of the new clients to our stable and thank our existing clients for the support that they have shown us and the stable.